Balla Norbert

Berendi Dominik

Dorner Benjámin

Fekti Ádám

Fodor Zoltán

Fülöp László

Hajek Márk

Kaiser Vilmos

Ódry tamás

Rull Henrik

Sándorffy Richárd

Szabó Dániel

Szabó Gergő

Vajda Zsolt

Varga Olivér
Tamás Sille, headcoach
Tamás is the technical director and headcoach of the KMH.
He was born in Slovakia and started to play ice hockey there.
He debut in the team of Slovan Bratislava and he also played in Skalica, HC Csíkszereda, Budapest Stars and from 2000 he played in Székesfehérvár until his retirement.
Since 2003, he was the member of the Hungarian National Team 105 times. He was the member of the legendary team in Sapporo. That team reached the opportunity to take part in the World Championship in Group A.
He retired from active sport activity in 2013. Since then he is working as a coach. He trains the national teams in different age groups.
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